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The Joy of Generosity

The tithes and donations you make to Crerar make a difference to our church, our community, and the people of Chicago. There are various ways you can donate. We pass a collection plate during services and electronic giving is available for 24/7 donations.


“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” (Proverbs 3:9).


Your offering allows Crerar's doors to remain open to the community we serve. As our partner, together we can continue to spread the joy of our faith and help heal those in need.


Your support is important to our work at Crerar, and your commitment goes a long way in helping us fulfill our mission. To become a volunteer click below and someone will contact you with more details.


At Crerar we serve a higher purpose, and your in-kind offering can help families in need during the toughest moments in their life.  Click below to connect with our staff about offerings of goods or services.

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Crerar is an inclusive church committed to Christ and His word. We are dedicated to sharing the love of Christ through ministry, fellowship and worship. Our church is not just a house of worship. At its core are the members and believers that come together to practice God’s word, celebrate His love and extend His gifts to all.

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